Krakow Comedy showcase

9 maja 2019


20:00 - 22:00



It’s a showcase of the best comedians of Krakow, starring the kingpin of Kraków Standup Comedy, Mark Wawrzyniak! Our brothers in comedy bring you an evening of hard-core, uncensored, stand-up in English that has become a hot attraction in their home town.

Alban Vogel
A french german comedian born and raised in a small city called Mulhouse, Alban is famous in France for burning cars. After travelling a lot in his life he decided to settle in Krakow, Poland to start medical studies, mainly to make his parents proud. His comedy will give you an insight into his life and all the weird things he got to do and see. His experiences shape his jokes into unpredictable, lovable stories told with a German efficiency. Outside of comedy Alban likes to eat pizza and inflate his ego about the fact that he is a medical student and that he did stand up once in Cambodia. Also, he has no clue how to write a kickass comedian bio.

„I think he is really funny” – Random drunk guy at the bar

Aditya Akolkar
Adi’s claim to fame is that he’s an Indian with glasses who doesn’t work in IT. Relocating from Mumbai to Kraków has been a massive cultural shock for him and is also the main source of his comedy. He hopes that someday he will stand out in a crowd… Because of his humour and not because he’s the only non-white guy in a 1km radius in Poland.

Mark Wawrzyniak
Host of the weekly Sunday night Kraków Standup Comedy show, the observational comedy of Mark Wawrzyniak has been entertaining audiences not only in Kraków and around Poland but also in Germany, Hungary, Slovakia, and the U.S.A. Raised in Chicagoland by his Polish father and Bavarian mother, his unfiltered and relatable humor connects his past experiences with his contemporary life in Kraków, Poland. From the questionable, and more-likely-than-not, damaging babysitting techniques employed by his Babcia and Oma, to the numerous hours spent cramped in Lufthansa Economy Class, the carry-ons he brings to stage for your amusement is his emotional and psychological baggage.

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